Course-based Clubs
Students of the program are automatic members of the course-based clubs at the college. These clubs provide a platform for junior and senior students to know each other better and establish a strong bond in developing useful peer support in overcoming challenges faced during their studies. Annual activities hosted are not limited to skill-based seminars and artist sharing, but also art camps, studio visits, team-building events, award and appreciation nights.
Course-based clubs include: Dasein Graphic Design Club, Dasein Illuz League, Dasein Animation Club, Dasein Fine Art Community, Dasein Digital Media Club.

Non Course-based Clubs
Students also form hobby or interest-based clubs that are free-to-join at the college. These clubs provide a common platform and space for students of similar interests to have knowledge-exchange on certain skills or to mingle and simply have fun. Some of the past activities include on-campus music and food festival, movies session, photography outing, music jamming sessions and more.
Non course-based clubs include: Entertainment Club (Music & Dance), Board Game Club, Photography Club, ACG Club (Anime, Comics and Games), Broadcast & Voice Acting Club and Manga Club.